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Hosting a podcast and creating its website with Eleventy.


About Podcaster

Podcaster was created by me, Nathan Bottomley, a Latin teacher and podcaster living in Sydney, Australia. You can find out more about me on my personal website.

You can contact me on Bluesky or on Mastodon, or on the Podcaster GitHub page.

Podcaster is based on code I wrote as I created a series of podcasting websites over a number of years. It doesn’t solve any very complex problems, but I needed to extract the podcasting code from my websites and put it somewhere where it can be used by all (or most) of them.

I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you do.


This site was made using Eleventy, specifically the eleventy-base-blog starter. It’s styled using Simple.css. The syntax highlighting on the code samples is courtesy of Prism.js, and the site’s colour scheme is based on the Base2Tone Space theme by Bram de Haan.

The Open Graph image for the site is by Richard Khuptong.