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Hosting a podcast and creating its website with Eleventy.

Episode information

Each episode of your podcast should have an associated Eleventy template, with a podcastEpisode tag. The front matter of this template will contain the necessary information about the episode, and the content of the template will be the show notes.

Front matter

The important information about each of your podcast episodes — the title, the date, the filename, the episode number, the size, the duration — should be made available in an episode object in the front matter of a post with an podcastEpisode tag, like this:

title: Entering a new Phase
date: 2024-04-14
  - podcastEpisode
  filename: 500YD S1E1, Entering a New Phase.mp3
  seasonNumber: 1
  episodeNumber: 1
  size: 61231442
  duration: 3283
  explicit: no
  episodeType: full
excerpt: >-
  A big week for beginnings this week, with a new Doctor, 
  a new origin story for the Daleks, and a whole new approach 
  to defeating the bad guys. Oh, and a new podcast to discuss 
  them all on. So let’s welcome Patrick Troughton to the studio
  floor, as we discuss _The Power of the Daleks_.

And here’s a detailed description of the information you can supply here.


field value
title The title of the post on the website; by default, this will also be the title of the podcast episode.
date The date of the post on the website; this will also be the date of the episode.
tags Every episode post must have the tag podcastEpisode included in the tags array. Additional tags are also permitted.
episode.episodeNumber The episode number. Needn’t be unique, but the combination of seasonNumber and episodeNumber must be unique.


field value
episode.filename The filename of the episode’s audio file. Podcaster can work this out for you, if you have a local directory full of your podcast’s MP3 files, and if you give Podcaster a path to that directory and a regular expression specifying the format of your episode filenames. Read more about that here.
episode.size The size of the episode’s audio file in bytes. Podcaster can calculate this for you.
episode.duration The duration of the episode as a number of seconds. Podcaster can calculate this for you
episode.title The title of the episode if it’s different from the title of the post, above. If omitted, title is used instead.
episode.itunesTitle A specific episode title for use in Apple Podcasts only. (Apple Podcasts doesn’t allow episode numbers in titles, so if you want to include episode numbers elsewhere, you need to specify a separate episode title for Apple Podcasts.) (New in version 1.1.0)
episode.description A short textual description of the episode. If omitted, the content of the post, truncated to about 800 characters, will be used instead.
episode.seasonNumber The season number. (Most podcasts don’t group their episodes into seasons.)
episode.image The path or URL for an image specific to this episode.
episode.explicit If the value here is true (or truthy), listeners are warned that this episode contains explicit language. Should be used for a single episode in a podcast that isn’t itself marked as explicit.
episode.type The type of episode. Defaults to full, meaning a full episode of the podcast. Other valid types are trailer and bonus.
episode.transcript The path or URL for a file containing a transcript of this episode. It should be a file in VTT or SRT format.
episode.block If the value here is true (or truthy), the episode will be blocked from appearing in the Apple Podcasts Directory.
guid A unique ID for the post. Normally this will be the post’s URL, in which case there is no need to provide it here. It’s should really only be necessary to provide it if you’re importing the podcast from some other system that has assigned a guid to each post.
excerpt A shorter version of the content of the post, written in Markdown. For use in lists of episodes where the show notes are long. For other ways of providing excerpts to Podcaster, check out its optional excerpts feature.


It’s also possible for Podcaster to automatically create an excerpt for each episode. Read more to find out how.